Travel | San Francisco Zoo

Hispanic Lifestyle during our California road trip visited the San Francisco Zoo. Family friendly and affordable on this perfect day we took the following exclusive photos. Stay tuned, we understand the Zoo will be the site of a special traveling exhibit from Mexico.
From their website.
The San Francisco Zoo is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and represents a uniquely successful partnership between the City of San Francisco and the San Francisco Zoological Society.
We designed the Zoo with the underlying belief that interaction and activity lead to conservation action. We hope that caring for specific animals will inspire people to care for all wildlife and that this is the first step in the journey to becoming a conservationist.
The San Francisco Zoo is a multi-faceted place:
A recreation area where people can relax and have fun
A center for wildlife that provides exemplary care for rare and endangered species
A community organization serving the people of the Bay Area
An educational center providing formal and informal learning programs for children
and adults
A park and nature center showcasing native plants and gardens
A bird sanctuary and bird watcher’s paradise
Photos by Richard Sandoval, exclusively for Hispanic Lifestyle.
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