Latina of Influence | Maria Garcia

Maria Garcia is a 2015 Latina of Influence named by Hispanic Lifestyle. Ms. Garcia is being recognized for her professional accomplishments in the banking industry and commitment to community service Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2015 Latinas of Influence will be recognizing Ms. Garcia and her fellow Latinas of Influence during a luncheon held in their honor on at Latina Conference 2015.
Maria Garcia joined JPMorgan Chase through several mergers and acquisitions, to include Home Savings of America and WaMu. On November 17th, 2013 Maria celebrated her 27th year anniversary with JPMorgan Chase. Throughout her career with the bank, she has held various positions within the retail branch system. Working with employees and bank clients to meet their everyday banking needs has always been the motivating factor for Maria.
In July of 2007 Maria was presented with the opportunity to become a district manager in the Greater Los Angeles area and managed one of the most complex and diverse districts for the company. Currently, she is the Market Manager for the Inland Empire. Maria is responsible for 8 districts and 104 branches throughout San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, and responsible for over 1,000 branch employees. In addition to helping her teams serve the needs of Chase clients, Maria is responsible for the development of her team, and representing Chase in the Riverside/San Bernardino communities, creating job opportunities in the marketplace as the retail branches continue to grow. She has served as a bank spokesperson on Spanish language media, providing information on various bank products and services, for the benefit of the community.
Maria sits on the boards of the YWCA of Greater Los Angeles and St. Thomas Aquinas School, Monterey Park. She is also the AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) VIP Buddy Coordinator, which she recruits and coordinates high school aged kids to help children with special needs be part of a team and enjoy the game of soccer. Maria is also an advocate for the Alzheimer Association, creating one of the larger teams and raising money for the cause via the annual event, “walk for a cure”.
Maria was born and raised in Los Angeles. She currently resides in Whittier, California with husband of twenty three years, Gilbert and children, Victoria Christine and Andrew Julian.