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Education | Dr. Juan Sepúlveda Director, Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans

Hispanic Lifestyle’s interview with Dr. Juan Sepúlveda Director, White House Initiative on the Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans featured in our episode number HLTV# 144

After speaking to Lead summit attendees, Hispanic Lifestyle caught up with Dr. Juan Sepulveda, Director, White House Initiative on the Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans. Dr. Sepulveda spoke about why it was important for Obama Administration to have a presence at the summit.

Dr. Juan Sepúlveda

Dr. Sepulveda provides us with the message President Obama wanted to share with summit attendees.

Because Dr. Sepulveda is a father, we asked his personal perspective encourage Latinos to attend  college.

HIspanic Lifestyle went on to ask Dr. Sepulveda about his experience working for the Obama Administration.

Dr. Sepulveda ended our conversation by providing insights on the wide range focus of the Obama Administration’s has on improving access and quality to education.


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