Networking and Reaching Out
NOTE: This email was sent to us because we connected via Facebook. Stay tuned as we plan to feature Ms. Martinez and LAMA on our television program, Hispanic Lifestyle. This is a great example of networking and reaching out.
Dear Mr. Sandoval,
My name is Christine Martinez and I am the creator and owner of a store that I think your viewers would be really interested to learn about. The name of my company is LAMA, which stands for Latin America in the Modern Age(https://lamadesigns.com/). I carry a range of modern home decor and gift items designed and created by independent Latino artists and designers living both in the US and abroad. LAMA’s mission is to bring much deserved attention and recognition to independent Latino designers and help them reach an audience many of them could not access on their own. Many of the designers LAMA represents have never had their work showcased in the US before and it has been thrilling to see how well received their work has been. You can read more about LAMA’s story and mission here: https://lamadesigns.com/about
I opened LAMA just over a year ago and, to my surprise and delight, LAMA has received many accolades from well-known publications such as Lucky Magazine and popular blogs like Design Sponge. LAMA also received four mentions over one year from DailyCandy including a DailyCandy 2008 Sweetest Things nomination for best new home decor store. Most recently, LAMA was featured in the San Francisco/East Bay edition of the popular book entitled "Crave: The ultimate guide to the places women crave in San Francisco, including more than 100 women you need to know." I have attached the Crave book spread for you to view below. While I am ecstatic over the mentions LAMA has received thus far, LAMA has not received much coverage from the Hispanic community and media. I believe that LAMA is an important contribution to the Hispanic community and I think your viewers would be excited to hear about it.
As a young Latina entrepreneur born and raised in Los Angeles, I believe my work with LAMA is a strong representation of what Hispanic women can accomplish and I hope to be able to share myself and LAMA with your audience.
Thank you for your time.
All the best,
Christine E. Martinez