Community | Sergeant Mark Romo

In honor of Veteran’s Day, HomeStrong USA and Wells Fargo assisted a disabled Army Veteran and Purple Heart recipient, Sergeant Mark Romo with critical home repairs. Sergeant Romo was in the Army for 24 years and was severely injured in an IED blast during a deployment oversees. His injuries led to two spinal surgeries and a knee surgery. Through the critical home repairs and accessibility modifications, HomeStrong USA and Wells Fargo are creating a safer and healthier living environment for Sergeant Romo and his family.
In this exclusive video segment, HomeStrong USA along with Wells Fargo volunteers put final touches on the repairs and will be re-landscaping Sergeant Romo’s front yard with a drought tolerant desert scape to save on his monthly water consumption. The event celebrates and recognizing Sergeant Romo for his commitment and sacrifice to our country.
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In this segment, Hispanic Lifestyle spoke with Evelin Martinez Inland Empire Area President for Wells Fargo Bank about their commitment to community based organizations such as HomestrongUSA.org