Community | It’s the Law Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Homes
New Law Requires Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Homes
California residents should be aware that as of July 1, 2011, the Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act of 2010 (SB 183) requires many homeowners, landlords, apartment managers, and builders to install a carbon monoxide detector, as well as a smoke detector to prevent accidental deaths. Those who don’t could receive a 30-day notice to comply, or face a fine of up to $200.
Every year, carbon monoxide poisoning is responsible for 30-40 accidental deaths in our state – deaths which could have been easily prevented with the help of an electronic device which emits an alarm whenever carbon monoxide levels reach a certain level. The danger of carbon monoxide, CO, is that it is a colorless, odorless gas, which can lead to asphyxiation. Victims are often silently robbed of oxygen while they sleep, never to wake up.
In an effort to greatly reduce the likelihood of more tragic deaths by CO poisoning, the state of California is requiring certified carbon monoxide detectors to be installed in homes that use fossil fuel burning appliances, have a fireplace or an attached garage.
Carbon monoxide detectors can be purchased at most hardware stores and start at around $19.99. When choosing a device for your home, make sure to check reviews and product information online. After a quick review of available devices, it seems you get what you pay for. Smart consumers will want to do a little research before selecting a product that should last several years, and give you the peace of mind it is meant to ensure. Spending a few more dollars up front may save you a lot of headaches (or even your life) in the long run.