Community | American Cancer Society Programs and Services
The American Cancer Society is committed to reaching out to those individuals who are under- and uninsured to help increase access to quality medical care, including cancer screening, diagnostic, and treatment services. The Society has placed increased emphasis on working with collaborators at the national, state, and local levels on outreach activities, identifying a growing number of resources to assist individuals in need, and making services and information more accessible through adapting for literacy levels and language needs.
National Cancer Information Center and www.cancer.org
The American Cancer Society is dedicated to making certain everyone can access quality health information. Anyone can call toll-free 1-800-227 (ACS)-2345 and speak with a person who can offer cancer information as well as refer callers to resources in their community, including transportation, support groups, or low-cost or free screenings if they are available. Cancer information specialists answer calls in both English and Spanish, and translation services are available for callers who speak other languages. This information is also available on the American Cancer Society Web site, www.cancer.org.
Cancer Resource Network
The American Cancer Society Cancer Resource Network seeks to improve the lives of those touched by cancer by:
– Helping them navigate the various systems encountered during the cancer experience
– Providing valuable information and links to needed programs and resources
– Meeting the needs of medically underserved, newly diagnosed patients
Services in the Cancer Resource Network provide information on diagnosis and treatment, support programs, and assistance in identifying needed services and resources. A number of services provided through the Cancer Resource Network help individuals navigate their health care and increase access to care*:
– Transportation to Treatment – helps cancer patients and their families find transportation to and from treatment facilities. In some areas, trained American Cancer Society volunteer drivers donate their time to the Road to Recovery program take patients to and from their appointments.
– “tlc”TM or Tender Loving Care – a magazine and catalog in one, “tlc” offers helpful articles and a line of products made for women battling cancer to help restore their appearance and dignity with information and one-stop, private shopping for products that address special appearance-related needs such as wigs, hairpieces, breast forms, bras, hats, turbans, swimwear, and accessories. All proceeds from product sales go back into the American Cancer Society’s programs and services for patients and survivors.
– Reach to Recovery® – Breast cancer survivors provide one-on-one support, information, and inspiration to help newly diagnosed individuals cope with breast cancer. Volunteer survivors are trained to respond in person or by telephone to individuals facing breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, recurrence, or recovery.
– Man to Man® – This comfortable, community-based education and support program offers individual and group support and information to men with prostate cancer. Man to Man also offers men the opportunity to educate their communities about prostate cancer and to advocate with lawmakers for stronger research and treatment policies.
– I Can Cope® – Educational classes for adults with cancer and their loved ones are conducted in a supportive environment by doctors, nurses, social workers, and other health care professionals. Participants gain practical knowledge and skills to help them cope with the challenges of living with cancer.
– Look Good…Feel Better® – A collaboration of the American Cancer Society, the Personal Care Products Council Foundation, and the National Cosmetology Association, Look Good…Feel Better is a free service that helps women in active cancer treatment learn beauty techniques to restore their self-image and cope with appearance-related side effects. Certified beauty professionals provide tips on makeup, skin care, nail care, and head coverings. Additional information and materials are available for men and teens. Look Good…Feel Better also includes cosmetic offerings for dark-skinned women and is available in Spanish (Luzca Bien…Sientase Mejor).
– Cancer Survivors NetworkSM – Created by and for cancer survivors and their families, this online community (www.cancer.org) offers unique opportunities for people with cancer and their loved ones to find and connect with others like themselves. It’s a welcoming, safe place for people to find hope and inspiration from others who have “been there.”