Program #5133- 5th Annual Hispanic Lifestyle Live Event Part I
In this edition, we showcase Singers, Fashion Designers and Dancers.
We celebrate Hispanic Heritage in front of a Live Audience,in this edition of Hispanic Lifestyle.
SEGMENT: Hispanic Lifestyle Live Part I
Hispanic Lifestyle setup shop in middle of Ontario Mills mall to produce our 5th Annual Hispanic Lifestyle Live event. Recorded in front of a live audience, entertainers from throughout Southern California came to share their talents in front our cameras.
We gathered so much material on this Saturday afternoon that we show casing the performances over two episodes.
Kicking off this edition is Singer Hector Ceballos who reached out to Hispanic Lifestyle and became our opening performance.
Next on the schedule was a Fashion presentation produced by A Rock Amor.
Hispanic Lifestyle was fortunate to have Artist Delores Haro Gonzalez participate in the event. In this segment Delores shares the inspiration for her passion for creativity.
Danzas de Aztlan
Danzas de Aztlan is a group of performers that incorporate Pre-Colombian music and dance into their performances. To participate in this group, dancers must be willing to learn about the culture and be willing to work hard. The group has performed for 13 years in many locations and events throughout Southern California.