HLTV Program #5145 Show Tease Business and Legislation

Hispanic Lifestyle program number 5145, Business and Legislation. This post includes show notes and the script text.
Welcome to Hispanic Lifestyle, I’m your host Richard Sandoval and in this edition:
Hispanic Lifestyle heads to Sacramento to speak with elected officials, business owners and professionals
The state of California is discussed in this edition of Hispanic Lifestyle
The California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce held their held the annual Legislative Conference in states Capitol and Hispanic Lifestyle was there to capture insights of the policies and issues that impact our viewers – our coverage begins with…
Mr. James Duran, President
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Silicone Valley
James Duran, President of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Silicone Valley, and is also a business owner of a High Tech Human Relations firm. — Mr. Duran Chair Legislative activities for the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce gave Hispanic Lifestyle an overview of the legislative conference.
James provides us with an example of how businesses are affected by legislative action in Sacramento.
One of the main events during the Legislative Conference are face-to-face meetings with legislators – James explains the organizations goal.
James believes that participating in organizations like the chamber is about gaining more visibility and explains here how this concept is at the heart of his advocacy.
Carlos Solorzano
We next spoke with Carlos Solorzano, President/CEO at Nicaraguan American Chamber of Commerce Northern California. — We asked Mr. Solorzano about the organization’s mission.
Mr. Solorzano gives us his perspective on the Arizona Bill – SB 1070
Multi Vision Latina is a company owned by Mr. Solorzano’s and he explains its function.
Abel Maldonado
Lieutenant Governor of California
Our cameras moved to Abel Maldonado, the recently appointed Lieutenant Governor of California. Previously he was a State Senator, Assembly member and gained prominence in the private sector as a Strawberry Farmer. — We asked the Lt. Governor his thoughts issues affecting on Latino Businesses in state.
The Lt. Governor share his perspective on why California is in such a crisis.
Mr. Ed Basaldua
Ms. Mayra Bautista
President and Treasurer, Contra Costa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Our show moves on as meet with members of Contra Costa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. The organization has been in existence for over 20 years, and their CEO Ed Basaldua tells us how they have stayed viable for many years.
We asked what are some ways Businesses can thrive in this tough economy.
Ed explains key elements that Business owners need to know during these tough economic times
Mayra cites her immigrant father and his humble beginnings as the inspiration for her entrepreneurial spirit – here she explains why she also advocates for these values.
Manny Perez
Assembly member, representing California’s 80th District
Assembly member V. Manny Perez represents California’s 80th District. Mr. Perez explains his attendance at the Legislative Conference.
Mr. Hugo Merida
We next spoke with Hugo Merida President/CEO of The Los Angeles Metropolitan Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. The organization has over 700 members and has operated since 2000. Hugo talks with Hispanic Lifestyle about the chambers activities.
With connections and regular missions to other countries, Hugo elaborates on the details of this global relationship.
A major challenge in this economy is the declining purchasing power of consumers – Hugo explains how his Chamber is addressing this issue.
Hugo shares with Hispanic Lifestyle details about his business and their operations.
(TEXT interlude) – California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce Press Conference on Arizona Bill 1070
Mr. Gaddi Vasquez
Hispanic Lifestyle spoke with Gaddy Vasquez – Vice President for Public Affairs with Southern California Edison. Mr. Vasquez began our conversation explaining his position and its responsibilities.
The Latino Business community is evolving and Gaddy cites a noticeable growth in small Business ownership – and provides this insight.
Gaddy is the son of migrant farm workers and he explains how his family motivated him to pursue his goals.