Hispanic Lifestyle Program# 161 | Tech and Business

Notes and Links to Hispanic Lifestyle Program #161
We talk tech and a little business, in this edition of Hispanic Lifestyle.
Technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose. Smart phones, iPads and personal computers are very much part of our everyday life.
Hispanic Lifestyle took our cameras out to the MacWorld conference held in San Francisco where we spoke with software and hardware developers that focused on making our professional lives easier.
NEAT Company
Walking around the trade show floor I first met Kevin Garton Vice President of Marketing at the NEAT Company who’s product is designed to make owners of small businesses, more productive.
I asked Kevin if after the documents and receipts are scan, would they hold up in business audit.
(Dictate Software)
** Self Introduction – Jeff Ganyard Vice President, Engineering & Product Development, Dragon Dictate
We finished our conversation with Jeff describing the types of people that are using their software on a daily basis.
Omni Graphics
Next we get introduced to a software company that develops productivity applications exclusively for the Mac. We speak with Brian Covey Support Manager with The Omni Group and learn more about their products.
(Helping Small Business)
We close out with Brian by discussing the future of their product line.
** Self Introduction – Christopher Klein Smart Board
We asked Chris if would talk about the new products Smart was introducing at the conference.
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In this next segment we get a chance to meet business and community leaders. The common trait among these individuals is motivation to increase our access to information and resources.
Sandy Cajas
First we meet Ms. Sandy Cajas, President and CEO of the Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce who talks about her organizations mission.
Sandy went on to talk about the types of businesses that join the Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Roy Perez is the owner of RMP Strategies a company that provides effective strategic public relations planning on behalf for their clients. Mr. Perez talks with Hispanic Lifestyle about his professional background.
Roy talks about the status of his company and their plans for the future.
Bonnie Garcia
** Self Introduction Bonnie Garcia, Chairwoman California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board
Chairwoman Garcia went on to describe how the appeals process works.
Founder of the National Latina Business Women Association, Theresa Ynzunza
With several organizations committed to providing opportunities for small businesses, we began by asking the founder of the National Latina Business Women Association Theresa Ynzunza why she decided to dedicate the time and resources to start a National organization.
(Professional Networking)