Hispanic Lifestyle Episode #173 – Flavors of a Community

Notes and links to Hispanic Lifestyle episode #173
In this edition: We talk Italian cooking, and attend ribbon cutting. The topics are food and community participation, in this edition of Hispanic Lifestyle.
Hispanic Lifestyle had a chance to go behind the scenes and set up our cameras in the kitchen of Buca di Beppo. Chef Jesus Castenda who has been with the company for over 11 years prepared three new items making their menu debut.
Chef Castenda spoke about the origins of Buca di Beppo’s style of Italian cooking.
Next we meet the Pisano of Buca di Beppo’s, Richard “ERK” who gave us the background of the Italian restaurant.
Next chef prepares another Buca speciality, Spaghetti ala Norma.
We finished up our visit by touching base with our host Richard as he spoke about wine parings and how you might finish up a big family meal.
[slickr-flickr tag=”bucaweb11″ type=”gallery” delay=”3″]
Located in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles for over 60 years, is the Variety Boys & Girls Club. With many community leaders in attendance they celebrated a major milestone by completing the construction their dream building.
Mr. Robie Aguila their executive director spoke to Hispanic Lifestyle about what the ribbon cutting ceremony means to club’s members and the community.
I asked Robie if there were other major projects the club might undertake in the future.
Taking part in the celebration was the Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio R. Villaraigosa. The mayor took the occasion to reflect on his connection to the boys and girls club.
We also had a chance to speak with City Council member José Huizar who spoke about the neighborhood where the club is located.
We went on to ask the council member about his priorities for the 14th district that he represents.
Hispanic Lifestyle spoke with Javier Valenzuela Financial Consultant, Cambridge Financial Partners, LLC and Hector Galvan (Sprint Hispanic Corporate Communications) almuni’s of the Variety Boys and Girls club who are now executives with corporations about how their time at the club influenced their lives.
Also taking part of in the ribbon cutting ceremony was Monica Garcia, Board President of the Los Angeles Unified School district. Ms. Garcia shared her thoughts and feelings about the day.
We asked Ms. Garcia about the community leaders supporting the fundraising effort for the club.
We finished our conversation with the Board President by asking her thoughts on the challenges that lie ahead for school district.