People | Voto Latino Celebrates 2013 Inauguration

The event is both a celebration of the Inauguration and of the organization’s achievements over the past year. American Latinos played an integral part in the 2012 elections, representing a record setting 10% of voters. Through the help of Voto Latino’s efforts, over 100,000 new voters were registered in time for Election Day. This event has been made possible by the generous support of HEINEKEN USA, proud importer of the refreshing Strongbow Cider, Intel, Johnson Control, Moët & Chandon, Pepsi, Pfizer, Time Warner, Viacom and Walmart.
Voto Latino is a next-generation, constituency based organization that empowers American Latinos to claim a better future by voting. United by the belief that Latino issues are American issues and American issues are Latino issues, Voto Latino is dedicated to bringing new and diverse voices into the political process by engaging youth, media, technology and celebrities to promote positive change.