People | Solange Rivero – award-winning Venezuelan producer

Award-winning Venezuelan producer Solange Rivero began her career in 1983 in a TV show called “Nosotros Venezuela.” In 2011 she debuts as Executive Producer in the Nickelodeon Latin America project called Grachi! Fast forward to 2012, Grachi’s lead actress receives and American Kids Choice Award.http://www.miescolarium.com/
“We are overwhelmed with the success of Grachi! both in Latin America and the United States. As we speak, our cast is on its way to Rome to promote the first season of the show. The ratings have surpassed expectations” said Rivero at her arrival in Miami from Mexico City.
Grachi! is a fantasy telenovela that follows the adventures of a teenage girl who, while adjusting to a new town, new school, rivalry, love and the everyday problems of being a teenager, discovers she has magical powers. Moving to a new town, making new friends, and fitting in a new school is hard enough. Discovering you’re a witch is harder. Grachi! was created by Venezuelan author, Mariela Romero who is represented by Solange Rivero.
The star of the show, Isabella Castillo, just won an AMERICAN Kids Choice Award. Grachi! has also won at the Kids’ Choice Awards Mexico and Argentina for Favorite Female Characters, Favorite Male Character, Favorite Villain, and Favorite TV Program. Cast members include Andres Mercado in the lead role as Daniel Esquvel, Kimberly Dos Ramos as Matilda and Lance Dos Ramos as Chema.
The show uses advanced production technology and 3D effects under the management of production house Aisha Enterprises, Inc. The executive producers are Solange Rivero and Yuldor Gutierrez winners of the Kids Choice Awards “The Best TV Series” of 2010. Grachi! was created by Nickelodeon Latin America, part of MTV Networks/Viacom Satellite Broadcasting.