REQUEST FOR NOMINATIONS | 2020 Latinas of Influence

Hispanic Lifestyle is requesting nominations for our 2020 Latinas of Influence list. Annually Hispanic Lifestyle recognizes Latinas who have influence in the area’s of Business, Education, Community Service and Entertainment. Since 2013 Hispanic Lifestyle has recognized over 217 Latinas of Influence, links to past honorees can be found below. Honorees will be profiled via our website and social media networks during Women’s History Month, March 2020. One profile per day, for 31 days.
Also previously nominees not selected are encouraged to resubmit an updated nomination.
The deadline for nominations is January 10, 2020. Latinas of Influence Honorees will be notified via email.
- Nominee must provide and submit at least a 500 word biography and photo.
- Statement why nominee is being submitted.
- Nominee must agree to ATTEND and participate in Hispanic Lifestyle’s Latina Conference 2020 on April 2, 2020 (Panel discussions and/or Acceptance). Two tickets will be provide to the honorees, travel is NOT included to the event.
- Nominee gives permission to Hispanic Lifestyle to use biography, logo, and photos for distribution via our media network online, social media and television.
- Latinas that have previously recognized by Hispanic Lifestyle as a Latina of Influence are excluded.
- Self-nominations will be accepted.
Please submit the nominations via email to info@Hispaniclifestyle.com
The Latinas selected will also be recognized at Latina Conference 2020 is produced by Hispanic Lifestyle and will be held on April 1 & 2 2020 at the Ontario Airport Hotel and Conference Center Ontario, California.
Links to Past Hispanic Lifestyle’s Latinas of Influences
- 2019 Latinas of Influence Listing
- 2018 Latinas of Influence Listing
- 2017 Latinas of Influence Listing
- 2016 Latinas of Influence Listing
- 2015 Latinas of Influence Listing
- 2014 Latinas of Influence Listing
- 2013 Latinas of Influence Listing
Exclusive photos of the 2019 Latinas of Influence
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