Latina of Influence | Erika Perez

National Spokes Person for the American Heart Association Erika Perez is one of Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2014 Latinas of Influence. Follow all of our 2014 Latinas of Influence on twitter with the tag #HLTVLC14
In her own words. . . . My name is Erika Perez, I am 40 years old, married to my wonderful husband Ernesto Perez. I have three kids Janet 17, Natalie 13 and Joshua 3 years old.
I am a business owner, Heart Attack Survivor and National Spoke person for the American Heart Association.
Three years ago I suffered a massive heart attack only ten days after my third child was born, but Thanks to God I am here to share my story. It was one of the most difficult times in my life. Not only I was going through postpartum, but also cardiac rehab many times I felt so depressed and alone even though I have a big and loving family I felt that no one understood what I was going through. It was a constant fear that I might die. Until one day I was looking for answers I went to American Heart association website looking for support and not only did I got all the support I needed, but I started to realize I was not alone there are many ladies going through heart problems and they are alive and healthy. I was invited to share my story in front three hundred ladies since that day I love sharing my storie and helping other ladies. I am a very active volunteer with the American Heart Association Go Red port u Corazon. AHA chose me to be one of the 2013-2014 National Spokes Person.
Our entire list of Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2014 Latinas of Influence are invited to participate in our Latina Conference scheduled for April 2, 2014.My story has been feature in Hispanic Lifestyle, different TV talk shows. Radio, Women’s day newspaper, etc. I am very honor to be part of Go Red for Women.
In 2006 My husband and brothers Dennis and Miguel Hernandez decided to open a restaurant called Antigua Bread, we got such a wonderful response from the community. The Mayor Eric Garcetti during his campaign came to show support and appreciation for Antigua, since then he has visited couple of times, which has made us feel like an important part of community. We decided it was time to open our second location in 2010 in El Sereno Ca. We started to look for a third location, but we also wanted to simplify our work and offer something different that’s how Burrito Place came to be, which will be opening soon. We are also in the process of buying the building where our first restaurant is located, we love our community that we want to stay there.
I am currently managing Antigua Bread at El Sereno location, and because I am part of the Go red for Women Antigua is very happy to support by hosting fundraising for the cause.