2018 Latina of Influence | Diana Harrison Martinez
On this the last day of Women’s history month 2018, Hispanic Lifestyle remembers our friend and colleague who passed away almost a year ago Diana Harrison Martinez as a 2018 Latina of Influence. She spent her professional career assisting parents Gloria Macias-Harrison a Latina of Influence and father Bill operate the family owned media company the Inland Empire Community News Group. Diana was the Co -Publisher and Managing Editor The Inland Empire Community Newspapers which covers the cities of Colton, Grand Terrace, Highland, Loma Linda, Redlands, Rialto and San Bernardino, California.

Diana Harrison Martinez
June 7, 1971 – June 1, 2017
From our friends at IECN . . .
Diana Harrison Martinez
June 7, 1971 – June 1, 2017
It is with profound sadness that IECN announces the death of our beloved Co -Publisher and Managing Editor Diana Harrison Martinez who passed away suddenly on Thursday, June 1 at the age of 45. For over 25 years Diana embraced public service through her leadership at the family-owned newspaper group. She managed the papers with professionalism and grace, tirelessly seeking out and highlighting the endeavors, accomplishments and spirit of a community she regarded as family. Diana’s warmth, exuberance and compassion will be deeply missed, and our memories of her forever cherished.
A foundation has been established in Diana’s name, and the family asks that in lieu of flowers, a donation be considered to the Diana Harrison Martinez Fund at the Community Foundation: 3700 Sixth St., Suite 200, Riverside, CA 92501; (951) 241-7777; www.thecommunityfoundation.net. Please note on the memo section of the check “Diana Harrison Martinez Fund”
Nomination Submitted by Richard Sandoval