Latina of Influence | Marisa V. Yeager

Community Advocate Marisa Valdez Yeager is one of Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2014 Latinas of Influence. Follow all of our 2014 Latinas of Influence on twitter with the tag #HLTVLC14
Marisa Valdez Yeager works for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO) as their Government Relations Manager, Federal and State Affair. She currently serves as a liaison for the 18 Members of Congress who represent Los Angeles County in the United States House of Representatives, in addition to our 2 California United States Senators. Also, assist with the 40 California State Legislature and other elected/appointed officials regarding Metro’s transportation policies, services and projects.
Our entire list of Hispanic Lifestyle’s 2014 Latinas of Influence are invited to participate in our Latina Conference scheduled for April 2, 2014.BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS:
- Chair, Airport Commission, Mayor’s Appointment, City of Riverside, 2009-Present
- Member, Southern California Fair Board, Governor’s Appointment, 2012-Present
- Former Board Member, Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE), 1998 – 2011
- Former Commissioner, Human Relations Commission, Ward 1, City of Riverside, 2002-2008
- Representative for Councilman Dom Betro on
- Code of Conduct and Ethics Committee, 2005
- Membership Chair, Latino Network, Riverside, CA, 2011-12
- Member, American Public Transportation Association Legislative Committee, 1998- Present
- Member, Los Angeles Chapter Women’s Transportation Seminar, 2005-Present
- Member, Lambda Sigma Gamma, Inc. Alumni Association
- Fellow, Southern California Leadership Network, 2008
- Leadership Class of Riverside, Greater Riverside Chamber of Commerce, 2004
- HOPE Leadership Institute Class, , 2002
- Delegate, 61st Assembly District, California Democratic Party, 2013
- Candidate, Riverside City Council Ward 1, 2011
- Alternate, Riverside County Democratic Central Committee 2004-2009
- Women’s Democratic Club of Riverside, 2001-present
- Membership Chair, 2009-2011
- Campaign Elections/Support Chair, 2008
- Past President, 2004-2007
- Fundraising Chair, 2003