A Latina takes a Stand

Actress Roselyn Sanchez takes a stand resigns from hosting the Miss America Pageant.
From Roselyn Sanchez
Como LATINA orgullosa de mis raices, cultura y todo lo que hemos contribuido a esta nacion, he decidido cancelar mi participacion como co host en el certamen Miss USA. No tolero las palabras tan irrespetuosas e hirientes que salieron de la boca del señor Trump. Parece mentira que en su discurso para anunciar su candidatura haya tenido ese lapso de inteligencia y decencia. Los mexicanos al igual que todo hermano latino si contribuye de manera positiva a esta gran nacion. Somos la fuerza que mantiene este Pais a flote. Estaba muy entusiasmada y agradecida de la oportunidad de servir como co animadora de este gran evento en el cual muchas Latinas han brillado, pero mas me entusiasma tener lealtad con mi gente. Ya basta del racismo y de personas “influyentes” de menospreciarnos.
Gracias Univision por contar conmigo y por honrar a tu audiencia y cortar relacion con todo lo que tenga que ver con Trump.
As a Latina very proud of my roots, culture and everything that we have contributed to this nation, I have decided to cancel my personal webpage as co host in the pageant miss USA. I cannot put up with the words as irrespetuosas and hurtful that came out of the mouth of the Lord Trump. It seems impossible that in his speech to announce his candidacy has had that span of intelligence and decency. Mexicans like everything brother Latino if it contributes positively to this great nation. We are the strength that keeps this country afloat. I was very excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve as co a cheerleader of this great event in which many Latinas have shone, but more what I am most excited about having loyalty with my people. Enough already of racism and people ‘ influential ” from menospreciarnos.
Thanks Univision by count on me and for honoring your audience and cut relationship with everything that has to do with Trump.
Source, Facebook Roselyn Sanchez
From Cristian de la Fuente
Mr. Trump,
As a #Latino I cannot work in an event associated with your name. The statements you made against Mexicans and immigrants show that you are ignorant. It is unacceptable to launch your presidential candidacy creating rhetoric of hatred and discrimination in calling Mexicans drug traffickers and rapists. It’s a shame that such an important institution as #MISSUSA is now in the hands of a clown ” Donald J. Trump
Como latino no puedo trabajar en un evento asociado a su nombre… las declaraciones que hizo contra los mexicanos, contra los inmigrantes, demuestran que es un ignorante. Es inaceptable que se lance a la presidencia creando una retórica de odio y discriminacion al tildar a los mexicanos de narcotraficantes y violadores… Es una pena que una institucion tan importante como MISS USA este hoy en manos de un payaso
Source, Facebook Cristian de la Fuente