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This Latina is Cinderella | Once Upon A Time

This Latina is Cinderella | Once Upon A Time

Dania Ramirez at the 2009 Alma Awards

More from  the Disney | ABC Television (DAT) 2017 Summer Press Tour.  Hispanic Lifestyle spoke with actress Dania Ramirez about joining the cast of ABC’s Once Upon A Time.  When asked about her approach to the new role Dania replied . . .

I was born in the Dominican Republic, so what’s really exciting about fairy tales and this world is that the themes are universal. It’s love stories or pain or struggle, and everything could be different depending on how you take it.

For me Cinderella was really about this girl that had been abused and trying to figure her way out. And the great way about where we pick up Cinderella on that show right now, what is she going to do now that she has been through what she has been through, and how is that going to inspire a different kind of life for other people?

And the great thing is we are living — especially in the temperament of this world today, it’s great to feel like you can tell a story no matter what ethnicity you are and still the themes are the same, so people can unite. I think it’s a great way to unite people, so thank you to the writers for thinking about that.



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